Video games are changing, they are getting more and more sophisticated and producing them becomes more and more expensive in terms of resources and money.
In our vision the procedural systems are one of the most efficient ways to realize the Worlds for the new generation of games.
”Our Goal is to improve the productivity of your company and your team's day-to-day quality of life”
LiquidCube is specialized in organic and natural procedural environments generation, such as Forests, Mountains, Canyons, rocks or cliffs and countryside Villages. We can fit vegetation, roads and bespoke content in the same output scene.
We also focused our attention on large scale urban environments and cities (ancient, contemporary and Sci-Fi locations).
Users can use Openstreetmap files or edit their own vectorial maps as source. The result is a fully navigable location.
Together with the building shells we also create fully flashed interiors with rooms, stairs and elevators. Interiors follow architectural rules and assets are placed in the rooms according to the expected room type (kitchen, main room, lobby, toilet, etc..).
Out tech will not give you a random environment, but a very Art and Design driven result. Meanwhile, our focus will be to get you to Your result within minutes. The nature of the result is always deterministic and repeatable. If the input is unchanged, the output results are identical. The result can always be exported and edited in any DCC (Maya, 3DSMax, etc..).
Our tools are compatible with all the most common game Engines:
Unreal Engine 4, Unity, CryEngine and Lumberyard.